Saturday, April 30, 2011

Akatsuki's Journey Chap. 6

~~~ Omi's POV (By the way, this is 4 weeks after Ayame and Omi joined Akatsuki) ~~~

"Uhhh.. uhhh.. hey Sasori.. your a bit too close." I said stuttering, as he was holding me close to him, with his arms wrapped around my waist. He gave a little chuckle, "Fine... whatever you say." Sasori said. His arms let go of me and he created some space between us. "Omi, you know I'm a puppet right? But I created a jutsu which lets me transform into a human body." Sasori said. I was amazed by this, it must take a shit load of chakra to do that. "Wow.. you are awesome." I said, almost speechless. He gave me a smirk, "Hell yeah I am." He said. I giggled a bit and he gave me a smile.

Suddenly, I heard knocking on the door, "Omi, I need to talk to you, along with Ayame."  I heard. It was an unmistakable voice, it was the sweet Konan, me and Ayame had been best friends with so far. I gave a sigh and told Sasori I would be back.

I reached the silver door knob and twisted it making the door open. As my prediction was right, it was Konan and right behind her was as expected, Ayame.

"Ok sure I'll come. Bye Sasori!" I said waving my hand at him. He gave me a sweet smile.

~~~ Normal POV (Ayame's POV) ~~~

I thought to myself why Konan had called us to talk, It made me quite suspicious. As we were walking down the hallways, we reached a door, "Alright, we'll be talking in my room." Konan said, opening the door that lead to her room, it looked so much better than any of ours. "What the hell?! Konan, lemme tell ya somethin', you got one big-ass room!" Omi pointed out. I nodded my head, approving what Omi had just said "She is so right!" I added.

"Well, Leader's partner gets special treatment I guess." Konan said, winking at me. 'What the hell was that supposed to mean?'  I thought to myself. I saw Omi and Konan plop themselves onto the bed sitting beside each other, I helped myself and did the same.

"So... how is it?" Konan asked, looking at Omi and me. "What do you mean 'how is it'?" I asked. "I thought to myself, its been what? 4 weeks you two have been here in Akatsuki? You must have some relationships going on." She explained. Omi shot me a stare, she stayed quiet, just like me.

There was a moment of silence between us three. I let out a heavy sigh, "Fine, but since I trust you, I'll tell you." I said breaking the silence in the room. "Me too." Omi said. Konan smiled, "How nice... I also t hink the same you know? Being the only girl in Akatsuki was a huge pain in the ass! I finally have some friends around here." She said smiling.

Omi gave her somewhat a retarded smile, I could easily tell she was happy as hell. Konan started laughing along with Omi and me. "Ok ok fine, me and Itachi have been together for quite some time now.." I spoke. "FUCK YEAH! I KNEW IT!!" Omi said, pointing a finger at me. I gave her a "I will smack the hell outta you look" glare. "Daammn, calm down woman." Omi said. "Well, I'm with Sasori." Omi spoke.

"Wow, you two are so cute!" She said giggling. "Cute? Hmmm... I think you like Pein, don't you?" I asked her. "Hell yeah I do, he is soo cute!" Konan said. Me and Omi both starred at her. "You like that guy? Pein acts like a person who has a stick up his ass all the time." Omi said. Konan shot her a glare. "Uhh Omi, he is the LEADER he is supposed to be strict, whether you like it or not! Thats how he is supposed to be, and I think he is a good leader. He does a great job." I said. "Its ok Ayame, you two don't really know how he is like.. once you get to know him personally. He is so amazing!" Konan said expressing her thoughts.

Omi and me starred at her, Omi was smirking the shit out of her face. "Alright, whatever makes you happy I guess!" I said. Konan let out a small giggle. After that we three went downstairs to join the rest.

~~~ 1 Hour Later ~~~

We were all in the kitchen, starving to death, my stomach was roaring like no tomorrow, I was dying of hunger! "What the hell... I want to eat, un.." Deidara said, "I ran out of candy senpai... I'm afraid I'm still hungry!!!" Tobi whined. "What the hell? You know that candy you ate was worth $1 dollar, and your whining your ass off for more food?!" Kakuzu shot at him. "You fucking know what Kakuzu? YOUR CHEAP AS HELL." Omi shouted at him. The kitchen stayed quiet. "Damn.... you've got gutts Omi, un." Deidara said, "If it wasn't you who said that, Kakuzu would've killed you... but since your Hidans cousin its pointless, your immortal too, un." he said.

"You got the damn right." Hidan said. "Ayame, do you know how to make food?" Kisame asked me. At this moment, I felt all eyes on me now, it felt... weird. "Uhmmm.... yeah I do, why?"

"What the hell you mean 'why'? PLEASE MAKE US SOME FOOD!! ANYTHING!" Zetsu pleaded. I looked at all of them, they all looked so dead, Hidan, Sasori, Zetsu, Pein, Itachi, Omi, Kisame, Deidara, Tobi, and Konan... they all made me felt like we were together until the end. They were something I never had before, they were my bestest of friends.

I let out a huge sigh, "FINE! I'll do it.. but only because you all are hungry!" I said. Smiles and grins and smirks passed by all their faces. "SENPAI!!! DID YOU HEAR THAT?!?! SHE IS MAKING FOOD!!!" Tobi shouted at Deidara, "I KNOW!!!!!!! But the question is... what will she cook, un?" He asked. A clueless looked passed by my face, ".... maybe something you crave?" I suggested.

"Thats a good idea." Zetsu's black side spoke. "I am craving cupcakes." Deidara said. "Hell yeah! Me too!!!!"   Hidan said. "Actually... I feel the same as well. Make tonnes of cupcakes for us." Kisame said. I starred at him with 'What the fuck did you just say?' glare. "Somebody is gonna get hurt real bad..." Sasori muttered. "Kisame, hold on a little. She isn't some maid around here to order around and make food for us. She is an official Akatsuki member, and she is equal to the any of us.... don't get ahead of yourself." Itachi spoke up. That took a huge load off of my chest, I passed him smile, making him think that I'm saying "Thank you."

I turned around to face the counter top tables, "ALRIGHT LETS GET STARTED!" I said, confidently. "HIDAN! WHAT THE FUCK?!" I heard Omi shout. "What?!" Hidan shot back. "STOP IT." Omi said, annoyed. "YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING HIDAN! Stop playing with my hair!!!!"

"I can't, I know your my cousin and all but your hair is soo fucking gorgeous and it smells nice too!!!!" Hidan explained. "What the hell, un?! And your trying to get us converted to Jashinism?!" Deidara said. "Hell yeah I am." Hidan said. I saw Sasori let out a heavy sigh, I could tell he was getting impatient "Ayame, can you get started already?" the red head asked me. "Ok, fine I'll start on the cupcakes now!"

~ An Hour Later ~

The cupcakes had finally finished, I pulled them out of the oven, and put white icing with sprinkles on top. I was getting tempted to eat one, they smelled so good. I also hoped it would be enough for the all of them.

As I finished off with sprinkling the last cupcake, I turned around to see all the members settled in there chairs,  and luckily there was a seat for me that was right beside Itachi.

I picked up the one tray that was filled with nice smelling cupcakes and placed it onto the middle of the table and I sat myself down on the chair. Everybody in the room was eye balling the cupcakes, like they have never seen such a thing before.

"You guys.... can eat now you know. Help yourselves." I spoke. Deidara smiled the hell off of his face, and before I knew it everyone in the room hopped out of their seats and took as much as cupcakes as they can. A look of surprise took over my face, they acted like they've never seen food before! I could imagine when their last meal was...

They all sat themselves down onto the chairs, and started eating the cupcakes. "Oh my god..... these are amazing, Ayame, un!!" The blonde artist said. "I agree!!!" Kisame said. "TOBI LOVES THESE!! You are such a great cook Ayame!!!" Tobi said, chucking the cupcakes down. "These are really good actually, good job." Itachi. "No problem." I replied.

"I.. am in love with these.." the speechless Zetso spoke. "They are amazing... its a good way to save money as well." Kakuzu spoke. "Fuck you Kakuzu, you always talk about money. I HATE PEOPLE LIKE YOU!" Hidan said, "Although, I agree. These cupcakes are soo frickin good!!!"

I looked at Konan, "THESE ARE AMAZING! I don't even think I could do this.." She said eating her cupcake. I looked at the tray and saw Deidara taking the last one, then Sasori move Deidara's hand away from the cupcake. "You greedy brat. Ayame is the one who made the cupcakes, and she didn't even get one herself." The puppeteer spoke. "Its ok Sasori..." I said. "So...? Ayame, can I have the last one, un?" He asked me. "Sure you can, go ahead." I approved.

Deidara took the last cupcake and ate it up. He got out of his seat with Tobi walking behind him, "Me and senpai will be gone training!" Tobi said with as usual a happy voice. "Oh and thanks for the cupcakes Ayame, un." Deidara said. "Your welcome." I replied.

After Tobi and Deidara were gone off to the training room, the room  stayed quiet for a couple of seconds. "You know, you should've taken that cupcake, it was the last one and you didn't even get any." Itachi said. "Yeah, and they were quite delicious too." Kisame said. "And your probably starving right now." Zetsu spoke. "Itachi and Sasori are right, and he is like the most hugest fucking brat I have ever seen too!!" Hidan said.

"Thats not a very nice thing to say you know, and its ok it is just a goddamn cupcake, I can always make it again!" I spoke, "And he is our comrade, your not supposed to speak such things..."

All eyes were on me again at this moment. "I guess your right." Konan said, nodding. "Well once again, thanks for the cupcakes Ayame." Kisame said. "And once again, no problem." I said smirking, they were thanking me so much, it was like the food was their treasure or something!

~ To Be Continued ~

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